What a crass, low class,
weasely thing to do.







My rather vulnerable post #98:

To: Admin Moderator; carriage_hill; Finny; mkjessup; Alamo-Girl; Amityschild; AngieGal; AnimalLover; …

To: carriage_hill; Quix

It’s not your fault. Quix knows full well what Jim has asked him not to do (see post 85), but he refuses to follow such, he continues to post links to UFO conspiracy sites.

96 posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 7:42:54 AM by Admin Moderator
| To 93

To: jackv; Quix

UFOs are not off-topic – as you can see, this thread has remained up. Quix’s spamming endless conspiracy theories into FR about such is what is restricted by Jim.

Quix knows full well what Jim has asked him not to do (see post 85), but he refuses to follow such, he continues to post links to UFO conspiracy sites.

97 posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 7:45:19 AM by Admin Moderator

That’s a very different reality from my understanding.

1. Even Jim’s instructions have rarely been abundantly clear to me except in their sometimes harsh tone.

2. One of the reasons they have not been clear has been how some seemingly blood-thirsty mods have related to Jim’s assertions as using whatever Jim says as a useful tool to search out any post of mine that can be complained about in any respect in terms of whatever Jim’s statement was–such as the one above from last July.

3. Another reason such statements have never appeared to have remotely clear boundaries is BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE has been more or less FREE TO POST ABOUT UFO’S FROM ALMOST ANY PERSPECTIVE AND ALMOST ANY SITE.

4. THAT MANY YEARS LONG STANDING FACT had made the whole issue of Quix and UFO’s into an exclusive-against-Quix witch hunt using any hint of UFO’s by Quix as an excuse to try and trash me wholesale–particularly in complaints to Jim. That kind of BRAZEN DOUBLE STANDARD is not very Christian and not very honorably conservative.

5. The conspiracy stuff is another wholesale confusing mess in terms of the way it has been handled by the modding on FR.

6. More than 10 years [ago] I was banned for stuff that now has standing threads about it (see the standing Agenda 21 depopulation thread, for example). Jim himself has come to realize that Marxist globalism has been shredding our Constitution and our Republic for a long time.

7. Yet there has been no apology. No one but a few posters like Lazamataz have said that they were wrong and Quix was right. No one among the mods, that I know of has admitted being wrong and thanked me for trying to wake conservatives up sooner about the Constitution shredders and Republic destroyers.

8. Thankfully, most FREEPERS–I’d guess maybe 51% anyway–though some think it’s still only 5-25% now realize these quotes by the world leaders in their own words over the last 200 years are entirely accurate to what the Marxist globalists are up to.

9. My GUESS of an understanding from TRYING HARD TO READ THE TEA LEAVES ON FR about such things . . . has been that Quix most likely cannot safely post much about UFO’s directly–though sometimes that has seemed OK in a quality thread with other quality posters. Simple links to the better off FR sources have usually been allowed.

10. As Alamo-Girl has affirmed in some discussions about the Book of Enoch, it is clear that the fallen angels/ET’s ARE A SIGNIFICANT FACTOR IN THE BIBLE-WARNED-ABOUT GREAT DECEPTION OF THE END TIMES.

11. From my standpoint, certainly the Bible but also the Biblically quoted Book of Enoch take priority over a mod’s opinion about the importance of ET’s in the GREAT END TIMES deception that also happens to involve the Marxist globalists tyrannical world government.

12. As Alamo-Girl has affirmed, my calling and destiny of a WATCHMAN is something I take extremely seriously. Souls’ eternal destinies are at stake. I’m not interested in facing God Almighty and HIM asking me why I didn’t fill my assigned watchman role of warning all I could warn about such satanic GREAT DECEPTIONS.

13. Certainly it is Jim’s sandbox. However, many of us have helped pay for the box and the sand. And many of us have, through our posting and our relationships, helped make FR what it is today. Even seemingly arbitrary or personal vendetta attacks do not add to FR’s good repurtation in the least.

14. I have had an understanding from the RM that posting UFO/ET stuff in the Rel Forum that has a clear prophetic component, aspect, is kosher. However, even doing that has brought the wrath of Kahn down on me when the regular RM has seemed to be absent. That again seems like unclear boundaries on the topic AT LEAST, if not an arbitrary personal witch hunt.

15. I love JimRob and FR more than many seem to understand or comprehend. My significant degree of ATTACHMENT DISORDER compels me to do what I can to TRY and please Daddy JimRob.

16. The seemingly very moveable goal posts and extremely fuzzy boundaries on such topics have been maddening to me, in part, because they have reminded me of my birth dad’s arbitrary and often incomprehensible harshness–and the obviously utter helpless impossibility to please him (my birth dad). That can leave me feeling like desperately throwing up my hands and trying hard to do the honorable and right thing before God as a watchman and try and forget the confusing other stuff.

17. It’s not easy being me. It’s not easy trying to walk the razor blade thin lines that seem to be so much my destiny. However, I earnestly try and do the honorable thing for all concerned–even my enemies.

18. imho, FR and the Republic of the USA are at an extremely critical point in this era. This year could see things go to hell in a handbasket in some very major ways whether it’s WW3 via Israel and Iran’s conflict or ‘merely’ utterly devastating further economic collapse.

19. It seems to me, that FR and the Nation desperately need ALL CREATIVE VIEW POINTS . . . and experts on everything bearing on this timeframe–to collaborate in the great community that FR is–toward whatever we can do to protect ourselves and our families as well as whatever we can protect of our Republic.

20. It just so happens by tons of effort on God’s behalf, that I’m an above average 45-50 years of study expert on UFO’s and globalism. That COULD be seen as a valuable resource to FR as well as to the help of the Republic and certainly of individuals and families.

21. I really don’t have any need to even annoy even my enemies. When pressed to the wall, I can react defensively. However, I’ve been extremely patient for very long periods of time in the face of extremely harsh personal assaults. Harshly mean-spirited personal assaults against me are not only tolerated on FR but often encouraged with impunity. NO SUCH ASSAULTS ON OTHERS seem to be allowed unless they are liberal trolls.

22. No one is any more supportive of FR’s conservative and Christian ideals than I am and have been. No one. Even on my low income, when I’ve been able to, I’ve probably contributed more of a PERCENTAGE of my income than maybe almost anyone else. Sometimes I’ve even donated my tithe. That’s a sacrifice that has not seemed to matter at all to FR. That hurts.

23. If there are now a different set of parameters about posting on UFO’s and ET’s then please spell it out and put it on the home page. And please moderate such honorably without any double standard. I would be happy to comply.

Most sincerely,


One might have thought that calmer, more rational heads would have reigned-in such a virulently hostile person with such a blood-lust vendetta mind-set and emotionality from running amok during a FREEPATHON. I guess not.

Ahhhh welll.

Thankfully, God has it all in His Big hands–sorting it out according to His higher priorities.


Here’s the thread concerned:



“If I’m at your house

and I began to move from room to room

straightening pictures on your wall,

that’s commendable,

but if your house is on fire

and I began to move from room to room

straightening pictures,

I’ve become evil, and wicked

not choosing

to use my time
to save your life.”

I realize that I’m an intense person . . . with an intense personality.

There’s really never been much successful hiding of that fact. LOL.

And, certainly, I’m NOT one size fits all.

And certainly many biases of some readers convince them–coupled with my personality features–that I write primarily to stir up unwarranted to very questionable noise upsetting to Sunday afternoon teas, to the body politic and to sane net forum discourse.

And, certainly, as a watchman trying hard to err on the side of crying the alarm whenever the least bit evidently useful . . . I certainly earn a lot of “He cries wolf far too often” claims.

Yeah, I do expect readers to prayerfully sort out the warnings I write about and seek God’s face for what HE considers important FOR EACH OF THEM in THEIR contexts and for THEIR whatever follow-throughs.

It has appeared in recent months . . .

that a few to several or more mods and users on a number of websites . . .

have begun to intensify their efforts

to prevent expression of views

which they evidently perceive to be a hindrance to satanic Marxist globalist goals, values and perspectives.

I wonder how many readers would be willing to watch for such phenomena and report back to this thread when they see such things.

I’m particularly interested in what SORT of websites they observe such on.

Is it only on moderate to liberal websites or also on conservative websites?

Is it also only

1. in behalf of BRAZENLY GLOBALIST values, goals, strategies, actions, politicos etc.

or also

2. in behalf of moderately globalist values, goals, strategies, actions, politicos?

and/or also

3. in behalf of posts, writings, which could logically be construed as having nothing whatsoever to do with globalist values, goals, actions, strategies, politicos etc. but are seemingly generalized, blackwashed as such?

In #3′s case, that is, do mods and more globalist supportive users wail, agitate, hit abuse buttons etc. toward posts and posters who are logically to clearly saying nothing against globalism but are attacked AS THOUGH THEY WERE.

It is hard to discern in the current craziness of our Republic and our END TIMES ERA . . . just what is going on.

It is certainly logical . . . that IF . . . as many contend, we are ramping up to a full scale WW3 . . . that the psych-ops folks would be operating at full steam and full speed to control perceptions, minimize the effectiveness of truly conservative Christian perspectives etc.

Yet, it’s difficult in such complexity to discern and sort out with any clearly definitive understanding the parameters of such efforts, IF that is, actually, what is going on.

Soooooooo IF there are readers to these humble lines, PLEASE SPEAK UP and share your perspectives. I’m rather limited to my own without y’all’s help.

My own sense is that there may well be an intensifying of such efforts but I’m not absolutely sure.

Thanks in advance,

Da Ai Xin





The discussion would be fairly strictly from a Conservative Christian DISPENSATIONALIST perspective.


Comments are moderated so will take time for me to clear them before they appear.


Even in the Old Testament . . . with alarming frequency . . . God Himself had to upset the status quo . . .

Either HUMAN . . . RELIGIONISM had spread the rot . . . or they had just jumped straight into pagan and devilish idolatry pure and simple.

2,000 years ago, the RELIGIONISM rulers had reduced the spirit of RELATIONSHIP with God to


EVERY RELIGIOUS organization of man has demonstrated an alarming percentage of the same tendencies whenever it exists longer than a year or so. Those existing longest tend to be the worst demonstrations of such horrors.

Denial of such facts of human nature and it’s accompanying habits is ignorance, willful blindness, pride polluted perceptions, devilish oppression or possession &/or some combination of perversities.

Of course, every self-perpetuating club of humans always is complicit to one degree or another in joining with satan to rationalize, justify, excuse, sanctify [in their own eyes], glorify [in their own eyes], prance about and parade such horrors as the best thing since Pentecost–particularly THEIR EXCLUSIVE brand of such . . . not only as holy–but AS NECESSARY FOR SALVATION.

Salvation is removed from THE CROSS AND BLOOD OF JESUS and saturated with ‘ecclesiastical’ elites’ edicts, pontifications, rulings and other varieties of their power mongering and exclusionism.

The IN-GROUP’S ‘distinctives’ become hostilities toward the OUT-GROUPS and transform into acts of holy ritual–glorifying punishment of those too hapless, unfortunate and ‘too stupid’ to be members of ‘OUR RIGHTEOUS IN-GROUP.’ And the stench procedes to get worse by the hour, month after month, century after century.

It should be small wonder that such is the case. The same thing happens or constantly threatens to happen between the ears of the blokes in all our mirrors. The pollution of sin in all of us works constantly to transform RELATIONSHIP INTO RELIGIONISM. And when we collect into groups, the collective sin forces in all of us tend to work together toward making of the group norms, labels and efforts another ungrand [from God’s perspective] GREAT GRAND PARADE [from man’s perspective] OF GILDED RELIGIONISM.

Clueless willfully blind idiots denying such are already experiencing the disasterous reality mangling distorted perceptions injected and infected by agents of hell. Those who continue in such denial and blindness become more deeply entrenched in and gripped more tightly by the same agents of hell. Possession is along that line, at some point.

Some may be haplessly inattentive to what’s transpiring. They are not exactly innocent by any means. Yet, they are not per se consciously delighting in going down hell’s road to wholesale RELIGIONISM. They just became entrenched in it incrementally like the frog in the warming holy water propped over the censer of fiery devilish self-righteousness fired by the brimstone of hell.

Such folks MAY have sufficient free will and perceptiveness left to recognize the rot in their souls and their mirrors enough to rebuke and fling off the robes of pride and self-righteousness and put on Christ’s humility, blood and Righteousness in earnestness and daily contrition.

Others have quickly become enamoured of RELIGIONISM and all it’s perverted allure of pomp, circumstance, exclusionist distinctives, !!!!CONTROL!!!!, !!!!TRADITIONS!!!!, fool’s gold gilded trappings, IN-GROUP mutual flatteries, excuses and rationalizations for sins generally and particularly for sins of arrogance.

Such folks tend to require a burning bush/ Damascus Road miracle to be rescued. Or else, a host of folks praying for their deliverance.

In my experience and observation, God is not frequently eager or seen to dispense Damascus Road miracles to such folks. Those levels of miracles seem to be reserved more for individuals genuinely seeking God and His Highest . . . though there-to-fore misguidedly like the Apostle Paul was as Saul. He had zeal for the God of Abraham . . . it was just stuck on the wrong track.

The latter cases of the slaves to RELIGIONISM last described above are not usually so much like Paul. They consciously relish in the trappings and pollutions of RELIGIONISM. They find the handy human rituals, habits, customs, distinctives of their IN-GROUP to be wonderously embellishing of their own insecurity and ATTACHMENT DISORDER fostered arrogance. They LOVE to prance about as priests of RELIGIONISM. They conclude wrongly that doing so IS RIGHTEOUSNESS personified.

They are off and running toward the mark of the low calling of deadly RELIGIOUS prissy pontificators, publishers, preachers, priests–thorns, brambles and mucky pits of hell’s worst eager to entrap the unsuspecting. The more victims they add to their IN-GROUP, the more glory they personally acquire–and the more pride the group feels as it gets larger and more !!!!CONTROLLING!!!! of more victims.

Various idolatries are usually a major feature of their RELIGIONISM. One of the first idolatries is of the bloke in their mirrors. Sometimes the first is a leader in the RELIGIONISM IN-GROUP. Or some historic personage. The idolatry can be the philosophy of distinctives of the group. Or it can be of some ritual, some initiation or some distinctive practice of that brand of RELIGIONISM–or all of the above and more.

Such individuals have an intense and way above average need to be above the average person, the masses–at least above the masses of those hapless folks in the OUT-GROUPS. Therefore, any of the features of their particular brand of RELIGIONISM which elevates them, in their eyes, above others–particularly OUT-GROUP others–is automatically seen as not only necessary but RIGHTEOUSLY GLORIOUS.

Sadly, it appears that past a certain point of such entrenchment, the larger percentage of such folks, if not all of them, are headed for the unglories of . . .